LIGIA HANNA | Biography & Resume

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LIGIA HANNA | Biography & Resume
Blog Post

Ligia Hanna: Past, Present, and Going.

February 1, 2018 360°, Personal

Hard Work, Training Hopefully Leads to Dream Come True.

Published by Saskatoon Open Door Society, Connections – Volume 1 Issue 2 – February 2018

A quick 360° affirmation

My name is Ligia Hanna. I am from Brazil. I was born with a physical disability that impacted my left side mobility.

From 2011 to 2015, I enjoyed playing professional sitting volleyball.

In August 2015, I immigrated to Canada with my husband. I couldn’t find a sitting volleyball club in Saskatoon. I was very disappointed.

On July 2017, I became a permanent resident. Shortly after, I was referred to the City of Saskatoon Rehabilitation Centre to improve my mobility.

My recreation therapy introduced me to multiple adaptive sports. I was then first introduced to Shot-put. I fell in love with the sport. It made me feel happy and brought my confidence back.

I started practice in the Field House with my Saskatchewan’s Coach three times a week. In November 2017, the Canadian Assistant Head Coach was very impressed with my progress. She introduced me to the Canadian Paralympic Team Head Coach.

Later, I was invited to join the Canadian’s National team camp in Regina on February 17 to 19. Now, I train very hard to achieve better Shot put results. My dream is to represent Canada at the Paralympic games.



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